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 First Equinoctian Empire (Allgemein)
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09.01.2020 08:05
Han led his troops Antworten

On the afternoon of the weekend, I took a colleague's private car back to Hefei. It was too late, but his wife said that the chili sauce on our side was delicious, and he wanted to get out of the car to buy it, saying that if he did n��t buy it, he would feel bad. After she bought it, I said by the way: I'm in a good mood now! But she also said that she was in a bad mood. What did I say? She said that the pepper sauce was bought, but the money was spent, and her mood was still bad. I said then I'll give you money for the food, and she said that it will take care of your human beings in that way, and my mood is not good. I said that I would feel better after eating hot pepper sauce. She said that I was even worse when I was spicy. I said it was so spicy, why did you buy it? She said that if she didn't buy any food, she wouldn't be able to increase her appetite, and her mood would be bad ... Well, it seems that she is in a bad mood no matter what. From this point of view, as long as people do not have an optimistic attitude towards life, they always see the bad side of things and treat life negatively, so there will always be too much unwillingness to accompany themselves, and they will lose the joy and meaning of life. In life, you should see a positive side, abandon your troubles Cigarettes Online, cherish life, your life will be full of sunshine, live your own value, bring harmony and happiness to your family, and leave a beautiful aftertaste in your life. There is no complaint and regret in Song Peng Cheng's book "Moker Waving Rhinoceros": When Han Qi was in the prefecture of Zhizhou Marlboro Gold, his relatives offered him a jade jar. It was a peerless treasure, and Han Qi liked it very much, and thanked relatives for one hundred and two silver. On one occasion, he invited some officials in charge of transportation to eat at home. He carefully placed the jade jar on the table, ready to serve wine for the guests on the table. However, after a while, a service foreman accidentally knocked over the table. The jade was dropped on the ground and broken into several pieces. The guests present were very shocked, and the foreman was trembling with fright. Han Qi looked at the jade that had been broken, and then smiled and said to the guests on the seat: "There will always be something broken Newport Cigarettes Coupons, it's just time sooner or later, so don't worry too much." The troubled foreman was grateful. Tears shed, and the guests were moved by Han Qi's measurement. One day a few years later, Han Qi encountered an assassin on the way out. Thanks to the foreman who had broken Yuzhan and rescued him, he was out of danger. Shen Kuo wrote in Mengxi Bi Tan: After the demise of the Southern Tang Dynasty, General Hu Ze of the Southern Tang Dynasty still guarded Jiangzhou. Due to the solid city, Northern Song General Cao Han led his troops for three years and failed to break through. One day, Hu Ze wanted to eat catfish and asked his chef to make it. After the chef was done, he took a bite and felt that it was not delicious, so he was furious and even pulled out his knife to kill the chef. However, Hu Ze's wife came out to stop him, and the chef took his life. The chef was very scared. He ran away from the city wall by ropes late at night and fled to Cao Han. When Cao Han attacked the city, he led Song Jun to attack from the southwest corner of the city, which was dangerous and undefended. As a result, Hu Ze's army was in chaos, and he fell out that night. Hu Ze's family was killed by the chaos. Therefore, it is a wise person to be able to tolerate the wrong words and deeds of others, and tolerate others' faults.
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