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 First Equinoctian Empire (Allgemein)
ylq123 Offline

Beiträge: 15

23.05.2020 03:25
took out the camera Antworten

On July 16, a group of 7 people came to the beautiful and natural country of Malaysia and landed on Sabah Island. On the first day of Sabah, we went to the wide and long river. The river was earthy yellow, but this does not mean that the river was very muddy and dirty, because the river below was mud, and the color of the mud Against the background. When we boarded the speedboat and were ready to swim in the river, the tour guide told us that there were crocodiles in this river. Let us be careful, but the chance of crocodiles appearing is very small. We took off by speedboat and saw many redwood plants on both sides of the river. When the speedboat approached the shore, the first kind of redwood plant I saw was "green apple". The fruit from this tree looks like a blue apple, and it is named after it. Although the tree looks short and the leaves are sparse, it does not seem to be dangerous, but the fruit it produces is highly toxic. Not only will the rats die if they eat it, but their lives cannot be guaranteed. At the edge of the green apple, we also saw a piece of tall, sparsely-grown tree, which the locals called the coconut palm tree. In the process of traveling, we also saw some unknown trees. The roots of this tree are thick and deep and firmly stuck in the soil. Even if this tree is dead, it can still stand for a long time Cigarettes Online. there. When our speedboat drove in front of a row of wooden houses Marlboro Lights, the speed of the speedboat slowed down. The tour guide immediately said: These houses were built by the indigenous people themselves. The indigenous people live on these small islands. Our transportation is Cars, their means of transportation is speedboats. They took the speedboat to the port to send their children to school. They ate the fish they caught and the fruits they picked and lived a simple and comfortable life. In order not to affect their lives, we have to slow down the speedboat. Our speedboat was moving on. While walking through a seabed coconut grove, the guide let the driver stop at the shore, pointing at a big tree and saying, "Look at the big tree in the direction of your left hand, There are many flaming-nosed monkeys and long-tailed monkeys. They sit in trees in groups of three to rest! "I was so happy to see so many monkeys at once. Living carefree in these woods, no study pressure, no one will bother them. I thought about it and took out the camera and recorded this happy silhouette to record the speedboat swimming in the big river, during which we saw a lot of monkeys, some of them were jumping to the other side, some were eating leaves , And some are climbing trees! The sky gradually dimmed. When the last sun set and the sky was completely dark, the fireflies hiding in the big trees turned on their lights and decorated the tall trees like a Christmas tree Wholesale Cigarettes. . Looking at these shining "Christmas trees", it is like entering a dreamy world. It is so beautiful. Sabah is so beautiful. It really makes me linger
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